Liberate Your Voice, Liberate Your Self

Maybe you've hit a point where you're just too tired to meet everyone's expectations.

You might be feeling the weight of always having to be “perfect” at work and at home. You might be finding it hard to even take a moment for yourself without feeling guilty, or simply feeling so overwhelmed that getting through the day feels impossible. Perhaps you're feeling lost, questioning who you are beneath all the roles you play.

At home, you're expected to keep everything clean, meals are prepared, and the family's daily needs are met. It seems like all the cleaning and cooking should be your job, which doesn't leave much time for yourself. You're always busy, but others often take it for granted or simply overlook what you do.

In office, you are expected to walk the fine line — be strong but not too strong. If you are assertive, labels like "aggressive" are quickly thrown around. You might also be passed over for big projects that go to your male colleagues instead, or you might be subtly expected to handle tasks like organizing meetings or taking notes, even if it's not part of your job. You might also notice that even when you work harder and achieve more, you still doubt yourself, wondering if you truly belong or if you're just getting lucky.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • Having trouble focusing at work or enjoying what you used to love because you're spread too thin.

  • Feeling isolated because it seems like no one truly understands the pressure you're under.

  • Experiencing a drop in your self-esteem because you're constantly comparing yourself to unrealistic standards.

Therapy can help you reconnect with your true self.

It may feel impossible now, but you can break free from the cages society has put you in. You can refuse to play the part of the always accommodating, flawless woman, and just enjoy being you, with all your unique quirks and qualities. You can honor your desires and dreams. And I can help you get there.

Our focus in therapy will be:

  • Explore and challenge internalized messages from society that limit your sense of worth and potential

  • Learn strategies to manage stress and anxiety

  • Develop a toolbox to nurture your mental and emotional health that honor your personal values

  • Practice how to say no and assert your needs with kindness and without guilt

  • Build confidence in your choices and actions

  • Cultivate meaningful relationships that support your growth and reflect your true values

  • Embrace your intersecting identity and celebrates your strength and resilience as a woman navigating complex social and cultural landscapes


What people have asked about therapy for women’s mental health?

  • Many people I work with have felt trapped and in pain for a long time. Asking for help is tough, and just being ready to change requires a lot of effort, which can feel overwhelming. Therapy can help in various ways - it can provide clarity, make you feel understood, or empower you. In order to gain these benefits, you need to invest time and actively participate, not just during our sessions but also in your everyday life. Therapy is most effective when you're prepared to make changes and practice new skills. But don't worry, we'll move at a pace that feels comfortable for you.

  • I usually see clients weekly or biweekly at the beginning. As you start to feel better, we can space our sessions out more, maybe once a month or once every two months. We'll figure out the best schedule for you as we go along, based on your needs and goals.

  • Reach out to me today. I’m happy to answer any questions you have. You can decide if I’m a good fit for you. If we are a good fit, that's wonderful! We'll schedule your first therapy session and start working towards your goals. If not, no worries at all. I will suggest other great therapists/psychologists who might be the right fit for you.

It’s time to celebrate your voice, celebrate your growth.