It’s time to quiet that inner critic.

Are you struggling to feel proud of yourself, even when you accomplish something?

You might be feeling like you're just not good enough, no matter what you achieve or how hard you try. Or you might be constantly criticizing yourself over small things. These feelings of not measuring up or being unworthy can really get you down.

In general, you find yourself constantly feeling like you're falling short of others’ expectations. You might be finding it hard to take pride in your achievements, or simply feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts about yourself.

Whatever it is that you're going through, you're starting to see how it's affecting every part of your life:

  • Constantly pushing yourself to work harder and achieve more, but never feeling satisfied with your accomplishments

  • Avoiding new challenges because you're scared of not doing well.

  • Often asking others for their opinions or validation before moving forward with any plan, because you can’t trust your own judgment.

  • More focused on what others think of you than on what you want or need.

  • Struggling to relax or take breaks, fearing that any moment not spent working is a moment wasted.

  • Difficulty in making friends or dating because you don't feel like you're worth others' time or love.

You find it easier to praise and support others, but when it comes to yourself, you only have criticism.

You might catch yourself saying or thinking:

  • “I'm probably going to mess this up.”

  • “Why would anyone want to listen to what I have to say?”

  • “I'm not smart/good/interesting enough to do that.”

  • “I shouldn't bother trying; I'll just fail anyway.”

  • "People will soon find out I'm not as capable as they think I am."

  • "This success isn't a big deal; anyone could have achieved it."

  • “I can't believe I said/did that; I'm so stupid.”

  • “No one really likes me; they're just being nice.”

 Therapy can help you heal the wounds of self-criticism.

It may feel impossible now, but you can start to see the good in yourself. You can learn to treat yourself with the same kindness you give to others. You can experience true self-acceptance. And I can help you get there.

Our focus in therapy will be:

  • Increase your awareness of negative self-talk, such as the triggers, patterns ,and more

  • Uncover the reasons behind your low self-esteem and feelings of shame, and learn ways to shift towards more positive self-perception.

  • Gain tools to reduce negative thoughts about yourself

  • Practice different self-compassion strategies and develop your compassionate toolbox

  • Explore your strengths, your needs, and values; and how to meet your needs and live your life aligning with your values

  • Build up your self-confidence, learning to trust and value your own opinions and decisions.

  • Develop skills to assert your needs and set healthy boundaries, enhancing your self-respect and improving your relationships with others.


What people have asked about therapy for self-esteem?

  • Let's start by talking about why you're here for therapy and what you hope to achieve. We'll discuss the challenges you're facing right now and work on building a toolbox of coping strategies you can use in your daily life. We'll also explore the root causes of your self-esteem issues, identify any unhelpful patterns from the past, and adjust them to be more adaptive ones. Together, we'll help you reclaim your power over self-doubt and feel more confident.

  • How long therapy takes really depends on what you need and your goals.

    Some people might just need 4 to 6 sessions to feel better. Others might need a bit more time, around 8 to 14 sessions, if they're dealing with bigger issues. And then, there are people who have really tough experiences or trauma they need to work through, and they might need even more time, like 18 to 24 sessions or sometimes more. But it's different for everyone.

    Additionally, you have the freedom to stop therapy whenever you choose, whether it's because you've achieved your goals or you feel you no longer need the sessions.

    It is common that clients choosing to work with me might terminate sessions when they achieve their goals, and they come back at different times in their lives when new challenges pop up.

  • Reach out to me today. I’m happy to answer any questions you have. You can decide if I’m a good fit for you. If we are a good fit, that's wonderful! We'll schedule your first therapy session and start working towards your goals. If not, no worries at all. I will suggest other great therapists/psychologists who might be the right fit for you.

It’s time to unlock the freedom of self-love.