Regain your peace of mind.

Do you feel like you're constantly on edge, unable to relax or enjoy moments of peace?

You're feeling a lot of pressure all the time. Things like keeping up at work, taking care of home stuff, or just being around people can make you really nervous. Even normal, everyday things seem very hard because you're always feeling worried.

You worry a lot about messing up, what others think of you, or things going wrong. Your head is always full of these worrying thoughts, making it tough to feel calm or think clearly.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • You're often too tired in your head to really be there for your family, friends, or job.

  • You avoid trying new things or taking risks because the fear of what could go wrong holds you back.

  • You get upset or stressed out easily.

  • Your body often feels tense or shaky, like you're always ready for something bad to happen.

  • It's hard to make close friends or trust people because you're not sure about things.

  • Sleeping well or chilling out is really hard.

 Anxiety therapy can help you take the control back.

It may feel impossible now, but you can get to a place where you don't feel anxious all the time. You can find calm in your busy days. You can start to feel more present with your friends and family. And I can help you get there.

Our focus in therapy will be:

Learn to notice what sets off your anxiety, and understand what's going on in your mind and body when you start to feel worried.

  • Get to know different ways to calm down and handle stress, such as mindfulness, breathing skills, grounding techniques, relaxation strategies, and more.

  • Explore your past experience to figure out why you feel anxious and what's behind it, such as any unmet needs

  • Build new ways to take care of your unmet needs and deal with stress and anxiety that facilitate long-term changes, such as fostering self-compassion, improving distress tolerance, and applying self-soothing skills when things get tough.

If you're looking to get better through learning about tools to reduce anxiety and treat yourself in a gentle and compassionate way…

…to understand the root of your worries so you can grow past it....

…to finally feel relaxed, have a clear mind, and find peace ...

You’ve come to the right place.


What questions people have asked about anxiety therapy?

  • We'll begin by discussing why you've come for therapy and then we'll identify the goals you want to reach. In our sessions, we'll talk through your current problems and work on building a toolbox of coping strategies you can use in your daily life. We'll also explore the root causes of your anxiety, identify any unhelpful patterns from the past, and adjust them to be more adaptive ones. Together, we'll help you regain control of your life and feel more confident.

  • I usually see clients weekly or biweekly at the beginning. As you start to feel better, we can space our sessions out more, maybe once a month or once every two months. We'll figure out the best schedule for you as we go along, based on your needs and goals.

  • Reach out to me today. I’m happy to answer any questions you have. You can decide if I’m a good fit for you. If we are a good fit, that's wonderful! We'll schedule your first therapy session and start working towards your goals. If not, no worries at all. I will suggest other great therapists/psychologists who might be the right fit for you.

It’s time to regain your peace of mind.