Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see your questions in the list, feel free to contact me.

  • (1) For the 15-minute initial phone consultation, there is no cost.

    (2) For the individual initial assessment and the standard individual therapy session, each session lasts for 50 minutes and is priced at $220.

    (3) For the extended individual therapy session, each session lasts for 90 minutes and is priced at $330. For EMDR therapy sessions, sometimes as we are dealing with complex and traumatic memories, it might be helpful to spend a little more time uncovering and processing the memories. However, we can choose the length of sessions that work best for you.

    (4) For the couple initial assessment sessions, each session lasts for 90 minutes and is priced at $330. For the ongoing couple session, each session lasts 60 minutes and is priced at $230.

  • Although my services are not covered under MSI/AHCIP, many private extended health insurance and workplace benefits cover all or part of sessions with registered psychologists. I will provide you with receipts and other information you may need to apply for reimbursement from your insurance provider. Please consult your individual healthcare insurance plan to determine the extent of coverage provided.

  • Yes, I offer therapy sessions in both Mandarin Chinese and English.

  • You do not need a referral to book an appointment with me. I also welcome other health care professionals referring clients.

  • I provide individual therapy to young adults and adults (18+ to 65 years old) across Alberta and Nova Scotia.

  • Currently, my practice is fully online for anyone residing in Alberta or Nova Scotia. This online format offers you the flexibility to attend therapy from anywhere within these provinces, without having to travel to a physical office. According to research, online therapy (telehealth) is also beneficial as in-person therapy.  

  • For us to work together in online therapy, you need to be physically in Alberta or Nova Scotia, where I have my license to practice.

    It's important that you have a private place for our sessions to keep our conversations confidential. You'll also need a good internet connection and a device equipped with a camera and microphone for our meetings on I would recommend using a computer, which might help you stay comfortable and minimize distractions from notifications.

  • Talking to a therapist/psychologist is different from chatting with friends or family. First, therapists have special training to help you understand your feelings, work through your problems, and make changes. They offer a safe space where you can share anything without judgment, and everything you say is kept confidential (except for some circumstances).

    While friends and family can offer great support and advice, they might not always be objective because they're part of your life. A therapist, on the other hand, can give you a fresh perspective and professional guidance based on what's best for you. Plus, therapists can teach you specific strategies and tools to handle your feelings and situations better, which friends and family might not know about.

  • Yes, the confidentiality of your sessions is legally protected, with some exceptions as mandated by law. We will go through confidentiality in our first session.

  • How long therapy takes really depends on what you need and your goals. Some people might just need 4 to 6 sessions to feel better or achieve desirable results. Others might need a bit more time, around 8 to 14 sessions, if they're dealing with bigger issues or want to make more significant changes in their lives. And then, there are people who have really tough experiences or trauma they need to work through, and they might need even more time, like 18 to 24 sessions or sometimes more. But it's different for everyone. Additionally, you have the freedom to stop therapy whenever you choose, whether it's because you've achieved your goals or you feel you no longer need the sessions. It is common that clients choosing to work with me might terminate sessions when they achieve their goals, and they come back at different times in their lives when new challenges pop up.

  • I usually see clients weekly or biweekly at the beginning. As you start to feel better, we can space our sessions out more, maybe once a month or once every two months. We'll figure out the best schedule for you as we go along, based on your needs and goals.

  • Consultation calls usually last for 15-20 minutes and it gives us a chance to talk about what you're looking for and how I can help. I'll also answer any questions you have to make sure you're comfortable moving forward with me. After our call, we'll decide if we're a good match. If we are, that would be great, and we'll schedule your first session. If it turns out I'm not the best fit for you, I'll provide you with referrals to other therapists/psychologists that would be a better fit.

  • Our first session is also called an “intake” session, which is a chance for me to get to know you better. I'll ask about different parts of your life, like any problems or challenges you're facing, the ways you cope with difficulties, your strengths and resources, any tough experiences you've been through, and identities and cultures that are important to you. We'll also talk about what you hope to get out of therapy.

    We’ll also go over information regarding confidentiality, scheduling, and fees, and you'll have the chance to ask any questions you might have. This helps me understand how best to support you. If you notice feeling nervous or tired after sharing your feelings and experiences, it is normal; as it takes energy to open up. But as we get to know each other better and you start to feel more comfortable, the process will get easier.

  • If you can’t make a session, I ask that you let me know at least 48 hours before your appointment. This way, I will have the opportunity to offer your slot to someone else in need. If you cancel later than this or miss your appointment without letting me know beforehand (“no-show”), you will be subject to a cancellation fee as the price of a full session ($220).

  • I accept a wide range of payment options, including major credit and debit cards, and E-transfers, for your convenience.

  • Payment for sessions is due at the time of your appointment, unless we've agreed on something different beforehand. We'll place a hold on your card before our session starts to confirm that the payment can be processed smoothly.

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